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Our technical support team has been supporting researchers for many years in setting up and carrying out their social behavioural research. Our team has in-depth knowledge of web research, physiological research, neuroscience and behavioural science research, for example on the computer or with Virtual Reality.

The scientific research at the FMG Research Lab is very dynamic, using state-of-the-art equipment and software. Where possible we use existing commercial equipment/software that meets our requirements, but where necessary we can develop solutions ourselves. Within the team we have an instrument maker, electronics engineers and programmers at our service, who have already provided many creative and advanced technical solutions. We also have facilities for data storage and data analysis. We have a large server park with servers for data storage and backup, and servers with powerful computing capacity running on Windows and Linux.

For general matters, researchers and students can also come to us. If you need consumables (EEG stickers, gel, etc.), these are available at our front desk. Access to labs for researchers and students is also arranged by our desk staff. We also lend out equipment for research inside and outside of the Behavioural Science Lab.

Finally, we can assist researchers in obtaining ethical permission for the research, recruiting test subjects and the important privacy rules (the GDPR/AVG), which ensure that all our research data is handled properly and carefully.